Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
The University of Tirana is one of the first universities in Albania that has implemented the internalization process within its academic system.Internalization implies the approach towards strategic aims through partnership and collaborations and constitutes a predominant trend as a preemptiv reaction to oppurtunities , challenges and risk that accompany globalization.
- Education
The University of Tirana is a public university that offers a full range of bachelor,master and doctoral degree programmes. The university contributes to the development of society, through the three pillars of the mission of public higher education, research, education , and service to the public which constatly enrich and inform each other
- Culture
The research area jointly target the development of education,culture,science and economy for the purpose of freedom and diversity of ideas, building and consolidating a demcratic society.
- Youth
Project Partner in projects that support youth and higher education like Erasmus plus ,Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.
- Digitalisation
Digitalisation of data related to educational and inovational structure are a primary objective of the university
- Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality
The Code of Ethics is intended to establish rules of conduct for personnel academic and non-academic and of students, according to established standards, in accordance with the spirit of professional and moral ethics of the university and with academic freedom.