Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Central Bosnia Canton

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Research and Innovation

    The Department of Education and Science of this ministry in its part on science is in charge of implementation of laws and other provisions related to science and research; it cooperates with relevant institutions for the purpose of proposing legal and other provisions related to public policies which organize and enhance the system of research. This Department is also in charge o running data base on education and research in the Canton;

  • Education

    The Department of Education and Science of this ministry in its part on education is in charge of implementation of laws and other provisions related to all levels of education. This Department is also responsible for proposing and preparing strategies, laws and other provisions related to education and it also runs the data base on education and research in the Canton;

Address / Location

StaniÄŤna 43, Travnik

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