Geographical focus:
Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
NULB&H follows and implements modern professional standards and trends; represents bh librarianship in the most competent world-wide and european professional organisations and associations; has rich publishing production, in particular, among other things, NULB&H publishes Bosniaca – recognizable bosnian-herzegovinian librarian journal indexed in the Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index, EBSCO-CEEAS and EBSCO – the Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source databases, available in CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library) and ROAD – Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources; successfully runs national agencies for ISBN, ISMN and ISSN, as well as ViBBiH Center; professionally trains librarians in the Center for Permanent Education; digitizes the library fund and provides numerous professional services to its users, the overall cultural and academic community respectively.
- Education
Since 1952, the education of librarians in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been carried out in the form of lectures, conferences, professional consultations and examinations organized by the National and University Library of BiH and the Association of Librarians of BiH.
- Culture
NULB&H, with its entire archival material, and especially archival copies of documents related to the culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina, represents one of the most important institutions for the preservation of BiH culture.
- Youth
NULB&H represents a significant source of data and information that is necessary for research for young people as well as for all other interested researchers. In addition, NUB provides various services to the student population as well as educational programmes.
- Digitalisation
NULB&H is constantly working on the digitisation of its materials. The DOI agency in the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a registration agency that mediates between Bosnian publishers and the Crossref registration agency when assigning DOIs to scientific and scientific-professional journals and their articles, issues and years.