Thematic domains:
- Research and Innovation
Research work is performed at all faculties of the University of Niš, in the areas of basic, applied and development scientific research. Research supports development of science and creativity, improves higher education activities through the improvement of the teaching process, advancement of young scientists, inclusion of students into the academic work, as well as by providing the resources for work and development of the university as a whole. Research work in the previous period has been carried out though participation of the teaching staff in the realization of national and international research projects, publishing papers in academic journals and attending academic seminars in the country and abroad.
- Education
Higher Education activity is carried out though academic and professional studies. First degree studies at the University of Niš are organized as basic academic studies and basic professional studies. Second degree studies at the University of Niš are organized as master academic studies, integrated academic and specialist academic studies. University of Niš offers third degree studies – Doctoral academic studies.