Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue of Republic of Serbia

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

  • Underrepresented Groups and Gender Equality

    Ministry is in charge of: protection and promotion of human and minority rights; development of regulations on human and minority rights; monitoring the compliance of domestic regulations with international agreements and other international legal acts on human and minority rights; general issues of the position of members of national minorities; maintaining the register of national councils of national minorities; election of national councils of national minorities; maintaining a special voter list of the national minority; the position of members of national minorities living on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and the exercise of minority rights; establishing ties of national minorities with their home countries; the position and exercise of powers of national councils of national minorities; gender equality; anti-discrimination policy; issues related to gender equality, with the aim of improving gender equality in the Republic of Serbia; preparation of regulations regulating the position of associations and other organizations of civil society, with the exception of political and trade union organizing; initiating dialogue with civil society on issues of common interest; preparation and implementation of strategic documents related to the creation of a stimulating environment for the development of civil society, with the aim of further developing cooperation between the public, private and civil sectors; measures and activities aimed at increasing the capacity and sustainability of the work and activities of associations and other civil society organizations; collection and distribution of information relevant to the work of associations and other civil society organizations; cooperation with competent authorities in the performance of tasks related to programming and management of pre-accession and other funds of the European Union to support civil society

Address / Location

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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