Description of the programme/policy
“Support for technical culture and innovation”: Funds for the ongoing grant “Support for technical culture and innovation in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, in the amount of 117,000.00 KM, are provided in the budget of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Funds are allocated for co-financing projects from areas of innovation and technical culture through a public competition in accordance with the criteria defined by the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The smallest amount of funds that can be allocated from this grant is 4,000.00 KM and the maximum amount is up to 20,000.00 KM.
Main objective of the programme/policy
Support for innovators in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Specific objective of the programme/policy
Support for innovation activities for: registered federations and associations of innovators, b) school sections and organisations of technical culture, c) registered scientific and research organisations, d) innovation centers, and e) innovators-natural persons who are citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Time frame
Programmes are implemented on an annual basis. In case of non-approval of the Budget of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the annual level, the implementation of the programme is postponed.