Environmental strategy of Republic of Srpska 2022-2032

Description of the programme/policy

The preparation of the Environmental Strategy was entrusted to the Stockholm Environment
Institute (SEI) based on an agreement signed with the Swedish Embassy in BiH. The document
covers the period 2022‒ 2032, and it includes overarching strategic goals and plans of specific
actions which should contribute to achieving these goals. Furthermore, this document is essential
to support relevant institutions in their efforts to achieve sustainability in the next decade, as
well as to secure improvement of health and welfare of citizens. The efforts particularly focus on
public policy-making. These policies are expected to: mitigate and reduce the impact of and
increase resilience to climate change, better align actions in the Republika Srpska with the EU
regulations and relevant international agreements, and ensure more sustainable public services,
but they should also upgrade the environmental protection framework and facilitate the
transposition of the EU acquis.

Main objective of the programme/policy

The situation analysis identified the most critical challenges which need to be addressed through future strategic interventions. Addressing of these challenges is essential to enable green growth, sustainable development, as well as to provide for a quality life of citizens of Republika Srpska. Strategic focus 1: Improving the environment, safeguarding human health and improving quality of life for all
Strategic focus 2: Improving management and use of natural resources
Strategic focus 3: Improving the quality of environmental management.

Specific objective of the programme/policy

This Environmental Strategy of Republika Srpska identifies seven categories of the EU environmental acquis, which cover the most important components of the framework. These categories (thematic areas) include: W1. Water management

  1. Waste management
  2. Biodiversity and nature conservation
  3. Air quality, climate change, and energy
  4. Chemical safety and noise
  5. Sustainable resource management
  6. Environmental management. For each individual thematic area the Strategy defined a strategic goal for achievement of a good state of the environment, compliance with the regulations and effective management in the given thematic area. Each thematic area encompasses a wide range of specific, but interconnected topics.

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

Contact person

Gorjana Rosić, public relations officer

Coordinating institution

Institution: Government of Republic of Srpska

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Source of information

Web site of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction, and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska (MPUGE)

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