Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning (IESP)

Short description of initiative/best practice

The IESP project aims to improve the international competitiveness and visibility of Montenegrin higher education institutions by providing an optimum model for strengthening capacities for various aspects of internationalisation. The University of Mediterranean is one of the partners in this project and through it has equipped a computer lab with modern equipment.

Increasing international competitiveness and international standing, visibility and comparability within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA) are the main driving forces for all Montenegrin HEIs. Strategy of the Development of Higher Education (2016–2020) in Montenegro states stronger international dimension of Montenegrin HEIs, which will enable integration into EHEA. Therefore, the IESP project aims to enhance international competitiveness of Montenegrin HEIs, by providing the best model for strengthening capacities for various aspects of internationalization.

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