POLICY ANSWERS: Empowering Montenegro for Horizon Europe Success through Capacity Building Activities

The European Union’s Horizon Europe programme represents a significant opportunity for Montenegro to engage in cutting-edge research and innovation projects. To harness this potential, Science and Technology Park (STP) Montenegro, as part of the POLICY ANSWERS project, has conducted a series of training programs aimed at preparing Montenegrin researchers, organisations, and institutions for success in Horizon Europe. These capacity building activities have not only provided essential knowledge but also fostered a spirit of innovation, collaboration, and competitiveness within Montenegro.

The Science and Technology Park of Montenegro is a member of a consortium comprising 14 partners working on the “R&I POLICY making, implementation AND Support in the WEsterN Balkans” project, known as POLICY ANSWERS. This project is financially supported by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The capacity building activities within the POLICY ANSWERS project have included four four-day training programmes. Three of these have already been organised, with the fourth scheduled for November 2023. The training sessions took place in the capital city of Montenegro, Podgorica, and covered two main themes:

  • Preparing Applications for Horizon Europe Projects: The first two training programmes, held in May and October 2023, were led by the renowned expert, Professor Dr. Goran Stojanović. These sessions offered participants insights into the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme, its priorities for research and innovation, and tips for creating successful project proposals. Participants also learned how to identify suitable partners and had the opportunity to discuss specific project ideas.
  • Implementation of Horizon Europe Projects: The third training programme, conducted in June 2023, focused on the practical aspects of implementing Horizon Europe projects. This training, led by Professor Dr. Goran Stojanović and Marija Šola Spasić, equipped participants with the knowledge required for effective project execution. It covered contract signing, project lifecycle management, financial reporting, and other key aspects of project implementation.

Expertise of Trainers:

Professor Dr. Goran Stojanović holds a position at the Faculty of Technical Sciences within the University of Novi Sad. He boasts a rich professional background with over 27 years of involvement in the education sector. Furthermore, he has accumulated 17 years of experience in the development and execution of EU projects, amounting to a total value exceeding 20 million EUR, and an impressive success rate exceeding 55%. He participates in the implementation of four H2020 projects and four Horizon Europe projects, with six of them serving as coordination projects.

Marija Šola Spasić is a project manager at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, where she has been working for over ten years. She also serves as the National Contact Point for legal and financial matters in the Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 programmes. She has professional experience in grant user training on one hand, and professional experience in grant management and implementation of numerous research and innovation projects (FP7, CIP, IPA, H2020, HEU, etc.) and projects in higher education (Tempus, Erasmus+, etc.).

Highlights and Lessons Learned:

One of the key takeaways from these training programmes is the high level of participant satisfaction and their positive feedback. The sessions have empowered Montenegrin researchers and organisations to actively participate in Horizon Europe projects. Here are some insights from participants:

“This education will be very useful in my future work. The trainer explained every step of project preparation, and after this, I feel empowered to write project proposals for this call and also for other EU calls.”

“I take away lots of knowledge about a project our NGO is eligible for. Also, I have gained a lot of knowledge about technical aspects of project proposal preparation for HORIZON.”

“It was an excellent event, so there is no need to improve this event, just to make them happen more frequently.”

Moreover, you can watch the video recaps in local language of the first two training sessions, providing direct access to positive feedback from the participants:


Open Application: Repeated Training for Implementation of Horizon Europe Projects 

The call for applications regarding the repeated training for Horizon Europe project implementation is presently active. As previously mentioned, the training is set to occur on November 9, 10, 15, and 16 at the CUE hotel in Podgorica. Additional details about the training and application procedures can be located on the Science and Technology Park (STP) Montenegro website within the news section. The link to the announcement is provided here.


The capacity building activities organised by the POLICY ANSWERS project in collaboration with the Science and Technology Park Montenegro have successfully empowered Montenegro to make the most of Horizon Europe opportunities. By providing valuable knowledge and expertise, these training programmes have paved the way for Montenegrin researchers and organisations to become active players in the Horizon Europe programme. The lessons learned from these initiatives can be used to further develop capacity building efforts and continue Montenegro’s journey towards research and innovation excellence in Europe.

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