WBC-RRI.NET: “Anchor initiatives” in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia

RRI key focus: Public Engagement & Open Access

WBC-RRI.NET territory anchor at ICT workshop on Smart Specialisation Strategy in Serbia (4S)

The Smart Specialisation Strategy is a vital component of the WBC-RRI.NET project, while also being a key document adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia to drive the development of a knowledge-based society. A new Industrial Policy Strategy from 2021 to 2030 is currently underway to replace the latest strategy and policy document in the Republic of Serbia.

In November 2022, an ICT workshop was held where the WBC-RRI.NET project was presented. The workshop was attended by 30 representatives of the academy, industry, civil sector, public administration, clusters, and associations who were divided into 4 working groups. Through this public-private dialogue which was carried out in parallel with the 4S, the working groups collaborated and exchanged findings to make the Strategies work better in the future strategic framework of the Republic of Serbia. Also, the findings of the entrepreneurial discovery process have been used in the development of Industrial Policy Strategy, which is in its nature, horizontal, while the 4S follows the principle of specialisation and focuses on areas where competitive advantages are identified.

Improving the competencies and motivation of researchers to cooperate with the business sector that is able to develop products for the market is also one of the priorities of the Strategy.

Presence of WBC-RRI.NET at ICT workshop on Smart Specialisation Strategy in Serbia, November 2022

SCIENCE AND BUSINESS DAYS 2023 – Innovation support and financing programs to encourage cooperations between science and business

In the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, under SCIENCE AND BUSINESS DAYS 2023 – Innovation support and financing programs to encourage cooperation between science and business (05.04.2023) – two project members participated as panellists in the panel “Innovation financing programs in SMEs – focus on European perspectives”. Prof. Goran Stojanović presented HORIZON EUROPE opportunities, while dr. Vesna Rašković Depalov presented EEN opportunities for the innovative companies.

This one-day event gathered 77 attendees, out of which 29 female and 48 male, and 30 companies and 19 researchers. Relevant organisations from the Serbian innovation ecosystem that also took part in this event are: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, EIT Manufacturing, EEN Serbia, EBRD, Innovation Fund, Republic of Serbia, Ministry of science, Republic of Serbia, Development Agency of Serbia, Digital Serbia, Science and Technology Park Belgrade, NALED, Serbia, and Foundation for the Advancement of Economics, Serbia.

The audience, businesses and researchers, had an opportunity to hear about domestic and EU supportive innovation programmes which can enhance establishing new business & research opportunities between scientific and industry sectors.

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