WBC-RRI.NET: “Anchor initiatives” in the Country of Montenegro

RRI key focus: Public Engagement & Governance

WBC-RRI.NET territory anchor potential for research and innovation “Ulcinj Saltworks”

Ulcinj Saltwork, located on the Montenegrin coast, as a historic salt-producing site has a significant cultural and environmental value, as well as potential for economic development through the exploration of research and innovation opportunities.

In December 2022, Science and Technology Park of Montenegro together with ZON-a has organised a meeting with representatives of The Innovation Fund and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (IEC) Tehnopolis in order to discuss the research and innovation potential of the Ulcinj Saltworks. Some of the potential research and innovation opportunities at Ulcinj Saltwork may include studies to determine the optimal techniques for salt production, as well as the environmental impact of these methods, additional research to explore the site’s potential as a tourist destination, or to investigate the cultural, health and biodiversity significance of the site. The Innovation Fund and IEC Tehnopolis have expressed a strong interest in supporting these research and innovation activities at Ulcinj Saltwork, which could be instrumental in advancing the knowledge and understanding of this natural habitat, and in promoting its economic potential.

There is significant potential for research and innovation at Ulcinj Saltwork, and there is strong interest in supporting these efforts from organisations such as the Innovation Fund and IEC Tehnopolis. By leveraging these resources, individuals and organisations may be able to unlock the full potential of this site and promote its economic, cultural, and environmental value.

Meeting about the research and innovation potential of the Ulcinj Saltworks, December 2022

Current situation and recommendations for the development of the Ulcinj Saltworks

In June 2023, Science and Technology Park of Montenegro together with ZON-a has organised a meeting with representatives from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics – Department of Biology at University of Montenegro in order to discuss critical topics related to the preservation and development of the Solana area from a biological perspective.

Project Overview: Nikša Bulatović, the representative of ZON-a, commenced the meeting by providing an insightful overview of the project’s progress to date and elucidating the principles of responsible research.

Biology of the Solana Area: Professor Danka Caković, from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at the University of Montenegro, shed light on the current state of the Solana area from a biological perspective. Notably, she highlighted concerns about habitat changes, invasive plant species, and the vital role of saltwater in maintaining ecosystem balance.

The Salt Pan Ecosystem: The absence of saltwater replenishment has led to the emergence of invasive species, necessitating immediate action. Danka emphasized the importance of ongoing research, comprehensive soil analysis, and monitoring across seasons, particularly in autumn.

Educational Initiatives: Danka suggested engaging university students in field training during the NGO CZIP’s autumn research camp, fostering education and hands-on experience.Challenges and Opportunities: Challenges such as livestock grazing, illegal bird poaching, and unregulated tourism were discussed. Suggestions included implementing better oversight for visitors, involving local residents and pensioners as volunteers, and maintaining a careful balance between salt production and ecosystem preservation.

Preservation and Development: The meeting underscored the need for a comprehensive assessment of the habitat’s protection level and an ideal production level that enhances rather than disrupts the ecosystem. Additionally, protective measures for various activities within the saltworks and a clear national ecological stance were emphasized.

In conclusion, these discussions have highlighted the delicate balance required to ensure the preservation of the Solana area while considering its potential for sustainable development. They look forward to continued collaboration and progress in this vital endeavor.

Meeting about the preservation and development of the Solana area from a biological perspective, June 2023

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