Mapping the Western Balkans Stakeholder Ecosystem
The POLICY ANSWERS project is mapping the stakeholder ecosystem in the Western Balkans. In doing so, project partners collect data on institutions, organisations, policies, strategies, initiatives and best practices.
The mapping is the groundwork providing a resource for the project activities and for fostering regional cooperation and achieving networking and alignment. The Western Balkans Info Hub hosts a database encompassing:
- 350+ stakeholders in the Western Balkans’ economies
- 100+ regional stakeholders with strong involvement in the Western Balkans
- 200+ national programmes and policies
- 100+ regional initiatives and best practices.
The database is being updated throughout the project’s lifetime.
The mapped stakeholder ecosystem cover the thematic domains related to the EU’s Western Balkans Agenda on Research and Innovaiton, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, as well as the cross-cutting areas Green Deal, Digitalisation, Healthy Societies, and Gender Equality.
The Mapping Card attached below gives an overview of the mapping activities. The mapping results of the first two years of the project implementation (March 2022-February 2024) are provided also in xls-format.