Call for Participation: Opportunities for Collaboration within EIT Food

Open Calls and opportunities to collaborate within EIT Food Network:

  • EIT Impact Funding Framework. EIT Food has launched a competitive, open funding framework to promote ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all. EIT Food wants its co-investment to make a real impact and is looking for proposals submitted by consortia based around lead organisations which work effectively, move quickly, and are supported by high-quality research, communications and impact assessment expertise. The funding is focussed on two separate areas – larger-scale collaborative programmes, and innovative single projects. More information: EIT Food Impact Funding Framework – EIT Food
  • All other specific invitations to collaborate with EIT Food are listed in the dedicated sections of EIT´s website: Get involved – EIT Food and Food technology grants & procurements – EIT Food

Startup Recruitment

EIT Food is now recruiting startups to entrepreneurship support programs delivered in 2024.

  • EIT Jumpstarter is a pre-acceleration programme managed by EIT Community targeting innovators in the healthcare, agri-food, raw materials, energy, urban mobility, manufacturing and creative industries from EIT RIS eligible countries, Western Balkans and Moldova. The programme helps entrepreneurial teams that have not yet incorporated their startups to structure their business ideas, develop business model and establish connections to EIT Community and EIT´s partners.  Pre-registration is open, and more details are available at: or In the attachment you will find a one page document and graphics in case you would like to use in social channels.
  • Pan-European EIT Food Business creation programmes, namely: incubator EIT Food Seedbed, EIT Food Accelerator Network and EIT Food Raising Food Stars support already established innovative startups to grow and make an impact in the European food system. Deadline for applications is set for 19th Feb!
  • Soon EIT Food will launch its dedicated startup activities in Southern and Central Eastern European countries: TestFarms, TeamUp, SalesBooster, EWA with more info to come.

Recruitment for participants to Education activities

  • EIT Food RIS Fellowships for students, PhDs and graduates

The Activity is dedicated to Master of Science students and graduates and RIS Talents dedicated to Ph.D. students and postdocs from EIT RIS countries. EIT Food RIS Fellowships is searching for young and passionate individuals from higher education and offers paid internship between 3 and 6 months in an international agrifood company.

RIS Fellowships for MSc students, graduates, and entrepreneurs. Candidates will get the chance to apply their academic knowledge in real-world situations and develop their problem-solving skills at host organizations. The internship will allow them to
gain hands-on experience in the food industry, enhancing their job-related skills and competencies. Interns will be involved in learning-by-doing activities, including internal projects and day-to-day tasks at their host company.

Apply now at

RIS Talents for doctoral students and young post-docs. Interns will benefit from lessons learned in R&D work and will be encouraged to participate in industrial collaboration or entrepreneurship during their internship. They will have the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills by participating in innovation projects, R&D projects led by host organizations, or Horizon Europe projects. Apply now at

Application deadline: 8 March 2024

Courses designed for food professionals who wish to improve their competencies in a particular area:

– Consumer-centric approach & design thinking in NPD courses (12 & 13 March 2024)
– Project Management in New Product Development (19 & 20 March 2024)

Details about courses on New Product Development Training “NPD Skills” – SPRING EDITION | EIT Food Learning Services

Application is open on New Product Development Training “NPD Skills” – SPRING EDITION – EIT Food Application Portal

Application deadline: 7 March 2024

  • EIT InfraBooster is a modular training program for representatives of scientific organisations that own research infrastructures. It offers capacity building and support in designing infrastructure-based services that could be offered for companies. InfraBooster bring its participants closer to the industry, increasing the collaboration, international exposure and innovativeness of their institutions, helping to establish new sources of revenues.
    It starts with EIT InfraBooster Foundation training offered each month to representatives of publicly funded universities and research centres operating not only in agri-food, but ALL domains of all EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (health, manufacturing, climate, energy, mobility, raw materials, mobility, digital and creative industries) in Western Balkans and the neighbouring countries. Recruitment for the first intakes until 19 February and 18 March 2024.
    For more information, see also the detailed Infrabooster Call on the WB Info Hub here.

Geographical focus:

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