The new Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) Board includes the Former Chair of the Western Balkans Chapter

On 16 March 2024, MCAA elected its new board, consisting of active MCAA members, as well as ex-Chairs of Regional Chapters and Working Groups.

The Board is the principal deciding body of the MCAA. It is responsible for the general management and direction of the Association and works in close collaboration with the MCAA operational team. The Board’s mandate is two years, until spring 2026.

The Board comprises 11 members, five of whom form the Executive Committee, and the remaining six are ordinary board members. The former chair of the Western Balkans chapter, originally from Albania and now working in Finland is one of the board members.

For more information, please see the source page of this announcement:

Executive committee:

Gian Maria Greco, Senior Researcher, University of Macerata, Italy (Chair)
Corinne Portioli, MSCA-COFUND Researcher, Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy (Vice-Chair)
Joaquín Capablo, European Project Promoter, Campus Iberus, Spain (Vice-Chair)
Pavlo Bazilinskyy, Assistant Professor, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands (Treasurer)
Maria Magdalena Razalan, Grants Manager, Academy of Medical Sciences, the UK (Secretary)

Ordinary board members:

Irene Castellano Pellicena, Project Officer, Health Research Board, Ireland
Ornela Bardhi, Senior Research Scientist and Data Scientist, Success Clinic, Finland
Farah Islam, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Basel, Switzerland
Virginia Helena Albarracín, Scientific Director, Centro Integral de Microscopía Electrónica, Argentina
Maria Romano, Researcher, Italian National Research Council, Italy
Hakim Ferria, European Affairs Manager, INSAVALOR, France

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

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