Smart specialisation development in the WBs: State of play and JRC support

Smart Specialisation strategies are an expression of sound innovation policies and as such are of interest not only to EU member states, but also to non-EU economies willing to improve their innovation ecosystems.
To support participatory and evidence-based processes in the EU Neighbourhood countries, the S3 Platform developed a project to support the early preparatory phases of the development of research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation in all Western Balkan economies have joined Serbia in developing smart specialisation strategies.

The state of play of S3 processes in the Western Balkans as well as an introduction to the S3 Knowledge Hub: Smart Specialisation in the EU Enlargement and Neigbourhood Region were in the focus of the presentation given by Mr Emanuele Fabbri, JRC during the recent meeting of the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation (Skopje, 4 June 2024).

In the same presentation, to complement the knowledge on the Smart Specialisation approach, the following interesting documents were also hightlighted:

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