Widening towards the Western Balkans: feedback from an event by the Green ERA-Hub in April 2024

The Green ERA-Hub (GEH) organised several events in Rome under the title “One European Research Area, One European Research Community” in April 2024 to foster collaboration in research and innovation (R&I) across the Euro-Mediterranean region. On 11 April, the 2nd Annual Socratic Dialogue Event, themed “A sea of cooperation: Towards a cohesive Euro-Mediterranean research community” took place. This event aimed to share information and reflections on strengthening collaboration amongst Mediterranean countries in the European Research Area (ERA), focusing on joint R&I in agri-food and bioeconomy sectors. The following day, 12 April, saw a workshop focused on widening the discussion to the Western Balkans. This event explored opportunities for stronger R&I collaboration in areas covered by Horizon Europe Cluster 6, discussing both opportunities and challenges.

Key issues debated included the diversity of national conditions, the perception of high standards in the European research community, and the crucial role of dialogue in attracting institutional and funder interest. Challenges for WB were identified, including low integration in international cooperation networks, lack of national funding, and the need to strengthen Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS). Recommendations emerged from the discussions, including targeting ministries of science in the WB, exploring the possibility of regional-level initiatives for Central and Eastern European countries and WBs, and addressing knowledge gaps and monetary challenges to engage national funders. Action points were established, including organising more widening events, utilising existing interpersonal contacts to facilitate participation in joint calls, and potentially producing formal “letters of support” to enable contacts with hierarchies regarding future R&I networks and calls.

These events highlight the ongoing efforts to strengthen research collaboration in the Euro-Mediterranean region, particularly in addressing shared challenges in agri-food and bioeconomy sectors.

On 7 October 2024, Stefano Grando, one of the organisers provided short feedback with these conclusions from the event, see the presentation attached to this news.

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