
List of Participants


09:00-09:30Welcome Remarks and Introduction
Ruta Zarnauskaite, Head of Unit ‘Horizon Europe Association’, EC DG R&I
Filip Van Depoele, Head of Unit ‘International Cooperation’, EC DG EAC
Bibi Gramson, Swedish EU Council Presidency
Aleksandar Jovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Serbia, WB co-chair
Emanuela Bellan, Head of Unit ‘Member States Partnerships and International Relations’, EC JRC
09:30-10:45Preparation of the Ministerial Meeting of the WB Platforms on 4-6 June 2023
Update by DG R&I, DG EAC, DG JRC (15 min)
The new European Innovation Agenda (NEIA) – Regional Innovation Valleys (5 min) (Presentation)
Logistics by POLICY ANSWERS (10 minutes)
WB (5 minutes per WB)
Q&A, General Discussion (15 min)
10:45-11:15Preparation of Ministerial Round Table Discussion on Education & Training
“Education and Innovation”

Topics proposed for discussion:
Synergies between education and innovation
Teaching and learning in the digital age
Questions proposed for Education Ministers’ Round Table
DG EAC (5 min)
WB (3 minutes per WB)
Q&A, General Discussion (5 min)
11:15-11:45Ministerial Round Table Discussion on Research & Innovation
“Young researchers and innovators: scaling up the skills”

Topics proposed for discussion:
Pooling and building skills required for innovation
Scaling up skills: market uptake
Question proposed for Science Ministers’ Round Table
DG R&I (5 min)
WB (3 minutes per WB)
Q&A, General Discussion (5 min)
11:45-12:25Update on the Western Balkans Agenda
DG R&I, DG EAC, DG JRC, (10 min)
WB (3 min per WB)
Q&A, General Discussion (15 min)
12:25–12:30Concluding remarks and next steps
Aleksandar Jovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Serbia, WB co-chair
Ruta Zarnauskaite, Head of Unit ‘Horizon Europe Association’, EC DG R&I
Filip Van Depoele, Head of Unit ‘International Cooperation’, EC DG EAC