This scientific report builds on fifteen science for policy concept papers elaborated for the JRC by nineteen independent individual expert within a pool named “Implementing a fair and sustainable economy”. In light of the findings in the Draghi report and the emerging new EU policy agenda, this report analyses synergies and common lines of reflection shared by several experts. Based on their science for policy outcomes, three cross-cutting themes are identified: the new EU industrial policy, the implementation gap of the EU, and different angles to increased security in the EU. The experts stress the importance of understanding and addressing trade-offs between the EU policy goals of competitiveness, sustainability, fairness and security. They reflect on new requirements of science for policy in times of deep transformation; they elaborate on the structural pillars for a new industrial policy; they reflect on the conditions for disruptive innovation and systemic transitions; and they analyse spill over from a comprehensive approach to EU’s new search for security. In all these areas, the experts explore openings for a territorial articulation of the EU-level initiatives in Member States, regions and with citizens.