The EU Strategy for the Danube Region ( Implementation Report 2022 2023 provides an overview on the developments and achievements in that period. It is based on the Reports on the Progress and Achievements of the EUSDR Priority Areas as well as the National Coordinator’s Reports to the European Commission (for the 5th Report on the Implementation of macro regional
strategies to be published 2025).
From the Western Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia are involved in the EUSDR.
A focus on Knowledge Society and Competitiveness is included in the EUSDR.
Priorities, which are considered relevant with regard to the alignment of key topics by the managing/programm ing authorities and the EUSDR objectives and which are to be coordinated in more depth and carried out in a harmonised manner in the further embedding process include:
- To promote inclusiveness of the European Research Area and crossing innovation gap through capacity building, promoting research excellence and supporting collaboration in EU R&I programmes
- Stimulating the effective preparation and implementation of national and regional Smart Specialisation Strategies to respond to emerging challenges in the Danube Region through research, innovation and strengthening knowledge society
- Further development of the clusters, clusters and regional development
- Female entrepreneurship
- Increase energy efficiency and promote the decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector
- Climate change
- Supporting the implementation of the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan and sub basin flood risk management plans in 2021-2027
- Disaster management
- Climate change adaption
- Traffic stakeholders/plane routes
- Endangered umbrella species
- Green infrastructure
- Soil related ecosystem services
Important activities for the activities of the WB Info Hub which are mentioned in the report include e.g. the integration into the EU Missions as high priority, capacity building activities such as those facilitated by Interact, youth involvement, etc. The Danube Region Flagship projects are highlighted in the report as well, of which the Western Balkans R&I Information Hub is one.
For more information, please see the source page of the documents: