MSCA and Citizens Call: European Researchers’ Night and Researchers at Schools 2024-2025

20 June - 25 October 2023

This call for Coordination and Support Actions is implemented as a Lump Sum Grant. The expected contribution for projects covering two editions of the European Researchers’ Night and Researchers at Schools activities is between EUR 0.1 and 0.3 million, but this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting different amounts.

Project results are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

For researchers

  • Enhanced opportunities to interact with citizens and local, regional and national authorities;
  • Improved communication skills and competences to interact with a non-research audience, notably with pupils and students.

For organisations

  • Increased reputation and visibility of participating organisations in terms of hosting excellence research projects towards the general public and possible future students;
  • Researchers’ work made more tangible, concrete, accessible, and thus opening research and science to all;
  • Improved outreach to all audiences, and notably those who do not have an easy access to science and research activities;
  • Better communication of R&I results and activities to society, increased and strengthened opportunities for citizens’ engagement.


Proposals should cover both the organisation of the European Researchers’ Night and the implementation of the Researchers at Schools initiative.

The European Researchers’ Night takes place every year, on the last Friday of September. It supports events that can last up to two days: they can start on Friday and continue the following day. Pre-events, prior to the main event, and related post-events, such as wrap-up meetings or small-scale follow-up events, can also be organised. It is the occasion for a Europe-wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers.

The European Researchers’ Night targets the general public, addressing and attracting people regardless of the level of their scientific background, with a special focus on young people and their families, pupils and students, and notably those who do not have easy access to, and thus are less inclined to engage in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) or research activities.

The Researchers at Schools initiative brings researchers to schools and other pedagogical and educational centres to interact with pupils on societal challenges and on the key role of research to address them. Pupils will thus also learn directly about research projects and initiatives related to EU main priorities.

Types of activities:

European Researchers’ Night activities can combine education with entertainment, especially when addressing young audiences. They can take various forms, such as exhibitions, hands-on experiments, science shows, simulations, debates, games, competitions, quizzes, etc. Where appropriate, engagement with educational institutions should be sought in order to encourage formal and informal science education with the aim of improving the scientific knowledge base. The European Researchers’ Night should be highlighted as a European (and Europe-wide) event, and each proposal should promote the European Union and its impact on citizens’ daily life in the most appropriate way, according to the set-up and the configuration of the event, its location and its activities.

Researchers at Schools activities will allow researchers to showcase their work and interact with pupils. Researchers will engage with teachers, educators and pupils on challenges related to climate change, sustainable development, health and other issues related to the European Commission priorities and main orientations, such as the European Green Deal or the EU Missions. The Researchers at Schools activities should take place at any time during the project duration and should be subject to a dedicated promotion, particularly towards schools and other pedagogical and educational centres.

Involvement of researchers funded by Horizon Europe or previous Framework Programmes, notably by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, is highly encouraged.

Both the European Researchers’ Night and Researchers at Schools initiative should promote gender balance, diversity and inclusiveness in science in terms of planned activities and researchers involved.

The European Commission has defined priorities, notably through the EU Missions, which aim to tackle challenges faced by our societies. Applicants are encouraged to focus on, and include activities relating to these priorities identified by the Missions in their events.

Partnerships and coordination at regional, national or cross-border levels will be strongly encouraged aiming at a good geographical spread and avoiding overlaps. Activities carried-out in non-associated third countries are not eligible for funding.

High-quality applications not retained due to lack of funding may be granted the status of associated events.

Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals covering activities for both 2024 and 2025, including the organisation of two successive editions (2024 and 2025) of the European Researchers’ Night and implementation of Researchers at Schools activities during the project duration.