Horizon WIDERA 2023 Call – ERA Chairs

29 November 2022 - 7 March 2024


Research organisations located in widening countries interested in establishing an ERA Chair shall submit a proposal with the prospective ERA Chair holder who should be an outstanding researcher and/or innovator in the chosen scientific domain. The scientific field can be any domain of research and innovation addressed under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union .

The institution in the Widening country shall be the coordinator and can opt between a joint application with the legal entity currently employing the future ERA Chair or submitting a proposal as a single applicant. For the former, partner institutions can be located in any country (including countries outside the EU) except the country of the coordinator and ERA Chair holders can be citizens of any country in the world.

Expected Outcome

Progress towards more and better links between research and innovation actors across European Research Area and beyond is a requirement if Europe as a whole is to capitalise on excellence from across the continent. To foster brain circulation for researchers and innovators the intervention point of the ERA Chairs actions is attracting in a sustainable manner outstanding scientists and innovators to universities or research organisations in catching up countries and regions. This measure of “brain gain” and creation of pockets of excellence will impact on the culture and performance of host institutions.

The leadership of the ERA Chair holder and the creation of a permanent and excellent research group in the chosen scientific field will ensure excellence, visibility and better integration in the European Research Area, as well as fostering competitiveness in research funding and promoting institutional reforms aligned with ERA priorities.

View the Call in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Find all details and extensive information about the Call under the Horizon Widera Work Programme 2023-2024

Geographical focus:

Thematic domains: