What we do
The Western Balkans Info Hub is powered by the EU-funded project POLICY ANSWERS. It provides information related to Research and Innovation (as well as Education, Culture, Youth and Sports) covering the Western Balkans.

The Hub’s core aims are
We strive to deliver high-quality information through our website, monthly thematic newsletters, and social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter).
We offer analytical support on specific thematic issues, providing valuable insights and perspectives
We support the bi-regional dialogue on Research, Innovation, Education, Culture, Youth, and Sports by collaborating with the Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Research and Innovation, as well as Education and Culture.
The Western Balkans Info Hub is powered by the project POLICY ANSWERS (R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS) and builds upon previous programmes. It is an initiative financed by the European Union (EU) in the Horizon Europe Programme, and is in line with the EU’s Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, contributing to the region’s economic and societal development. The activities of POLICY ANSWERS are supported by a sound project coordination including thorough administrative and financial management and close liaison with the European Commission, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and other stakeholders invited in a Project Advisory Board (PAB) or as associated partners. The POLICY ANSWERS project is led by the Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna (Austria) and involves 13 other partners:

Policy context
The integration of the six Western Balkans economies (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) into the European Research Area (ERA) are key priorities of the EU to foster stability and prosperity in the region.
The EU has developed together with the Western Balkans a forward-looking agenda, outlining a comprehensive, long-term strategy for cooperation with the region. The POLICY ANSWERS project aims at facilitating policy learning through political dialogue, policy analysis, capacity building, thematic coordination, and pilot activities across various work packages. Its further objectives are to establish an information hub and to implement communication and stakeholder engagement strategies. POLICY ANSWERS goes beyond R&I policies and addresses key EU thematic priorities. The project supports policy development in Research and Innovation, but also addresses policy areas such as Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, aligning different areas towards key thematic priorities.
The POLICY ANSWERS project is structured in seven Work Packages. The Western Balkans Info Hub is coordinated in WP6 (Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication), which together with the Project Management (WP7) support the other activities. WP1 organises meetings of the Steering Platforms and ministerial meetings for policy dialogue. WP2 analyses various activities under the Western Balkans Agenda and integration to the European Research Area. It also implements a stakeholder analysis and promotes anticipatory science advise / foresight and the preparation of policy briefs based on the analysis. WP3 develops and implements capacity building activities in each WB economy. In WP4, the project creates a platform for exchange on aligning priorities – in particular related to the digital, green and health topics. In the frame of WP5, the project launches a set of pilot activities which are related to the creation of a regional innovation voucher scheme, a mobility scheme for early-career researchers as well as schemes promoting youth in STEM as well as research infrastructures. Lastly, it promotes the Regional Innovation Academy.

Key priorities
This platform serves the general aim of POLICY ANSWERS which is:
- to monitor and support policy coordination within the EU-Western Balkans cooperation;
- to support the Western Balkans in strengthening their potential for successful participation in regional and multilateral Research and Innovation activities;
- to promote regional cooperation in Research and Innovation;
- to enable networking and access to information for local and regional actors.
Contact us
Stay informed
Accessing our platform and the opportunity to share your information, including through our monthly newsletter, is completely free and open to stakeholders in Research, Innovation, Education, Youth, Culture, and Sports in the Western Balkans.
Be part of the Hub!
Are you involved in Research and Innovation ? The invitation is open for you to contribute to the Western Balkans Info Hub by sharing your event announcements, project news, documents, and relevant information on funding opportunities, cooperation possibilities, scholarships, awards, and more. You can easily do this by sending an email to: info@westernbalkans-infohub.eu.