Call for Associated Regions to participate in the DANUBE4all project

31 March - 31 August 2023

DANUBE4all is pleased to announce the launch of a call for Associated Regions to participate in the DANUBE4all project.

Five associated regions are sought who will receive technical assistance to use the outcomes and knowledge of DANUBE4all to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore freshwater ecosystems in their region.

To achieve this, special formats, workshops, and exchange activities will be implemented to continuously share DANUBE4all outcomes and knowledge. All developed tools and restoration measures, as well as the development and draft versions of the Danube Basin Restoration Action Plan, will be fully open, usable, and made applicable to the Associated Regions.

By joining as an Associated Region, partners will have the opportunity to access our expertise, knowledge, and tools to develop their own roadmap, plan, or project to restore freshwater ecosystems in their region. The organizers believe that by working together, the shared goal of restoring freshwater ecosystems and promoting sustainability across Europe can be achieved.

By promoting the improvement of ecological status, biodiversity, and ecosystem connectivity through the development and implementation of innovative Win-Win Nature Based Solutions, DANUBE4all aims to enhance the free-flowing status of rivers and floodplains, reduce flood and drought risks, and improve sediment and biota continuity.

In addition to research activities at the three Demonstration Sites in the Danube River Basin, the project will also provide GIS and Citizen Science tools for upscaling restoration actions via ten Synergy Sites and transfer outcomes to five Associated Regions by developing Replication Roadmaps for restoration action.

Eligible beneficiaries for this call are:

  • Local and/or regional authorities from Member States and associated countries to the Horizon Europe Programme (n.b. Western Balkans are eligible but already included partner countries (of which Serbia is one) are excluded explicitly.)
  • Applicants should have a good command of English
  • Applicants must be eligible for participation in the EC Horizon Europe Framework Programme and must ensure the following obligations of the Grant Agreement, namely Articles 12 (conflict of interest), 13 (confidentiality and security), 14 (ethics), 17.2 (visibility), 18 (specific rules for carrying out action), 19 (information) and 20 (record-keeping)[1].

​The selected beneficiaries commit to carry out the following activities in their role as associated regions to the DANUBE4all project:

  • Contribute to three workshops to be held in their region (in 2024-2026) to develop restoration solutions in cooperation with other stakeholders.
  • Develop a roadmap by December 2027 of restoration actions for their region to support the replication of DANUBE4all solutions and tools. The development of this roadmap will be technically assisted by DANUBE4all partners via capacity building, trainings and guidance on structure and content.

Please note: Countries that are already part of the DANUBE4all consortium can not participate: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

[1] for more details refer to

Funding | Activities

The grant each associated region can apply for is up to €100,000.

List of types of activities that can receive financial support:

  • ​Revitalisation of ecological systems
  • Ecosystem monitoring and restoration
  • Nature based solutions restoration measures
  • Reconnection of floodplains
  • River connectivity, river-sea reconnection
  • River dynamics improvement
  • Sediment management
  • Litter clean up in rivers and connecting ecosystems
  • Citizens involvement

Application process

Opening date:         Friday, March 31, 2023

Deadline model:      Single-stage

Deadline:                 Thursday, August 31, 2023*

*Deadline extended from 31 May 2023

​For more details, please visit the source page of this announcement.



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