Call for Proposals: Danube Region Programme 2nd Call

2 November 2023 - 3 April 2024

The 2nd call for proposals of the Danube Region Programme is open from the 2 November 2023 until (n.b. prolongued deadline) 3 April 2024. The 2nd call is organised according to a one- step procedure where the applicants have to submit an application package including a fully developed Application Form (AF).

The Application Form (AF) has to be submitted to the joint secretariat through Jems by (n.b. prolongued deadline): 3 April 2024, 14:00 Central European Time (CET).

(Information about the deadline prolonguation:

Eligible areas of support: 

The 2nd call for proposals is open for applicants to the programme specific objectives (SO) SO2.2, SO2.3, SO2.4, SO3.1, SO3.2, SO3.3 and to SO 4.2.:​

SOStatus in 2nd Call for Proposals Available Interreg funds      per Priority in EUR  Indicative   allocation per SO  in EUR
SO 1.1Closed  
SO 1.2Closed  
SO 2.1Closed  
SO 2.2Open15 339 422,005 960 525,00
SO 2.3Open4 524 737,00
SO 2.4Open4 854 160,00
SO 3.1Open15 228 726,004 563 214,00
SO 3.2Open4 563 214,00
SO 3.3Open6 102 298,00
SO 4.2Open8 181 765,008 181 765,00
Total 38 749 913,00 

Financial allocation:

As indicated above, the Danube Region Programme has allocated 38 749 913,00 EUR Interreg funds for the second call for proposals. 

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants include public authorities, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, research organizations, and other relevant stakeholders from the Danube region. Each project has to involve at least three financing project partners from three different countries of the programme area.


The following documents have to be consulted by the applicants in order to submit a successful application form:

The documents to fill in and submit alomgside the application form:

Please consult the source page of this announcement for the most recent information.

Call identifier

Danube Region Programme


38 749 913,00 EUR

Geographical focus:

Call type:

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