EU Launches €3 Million Call for Cross-Border Cooperation Projects in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro under EmBRACE Initiative

The EU amount allocated to the 1st Call is EUR 3,000,000.00.

The Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO) has launched the first call for submission of project proposals for the cooperation of micro and small enterprises in the border area of ​​Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro within the Small Project Fund – EmBRACE project (Enhancing MSEs sustainaBle gRowth And CompEtitiveness).

For the first time in this programme area, a total of 8.725.324,36 EUR is available to micro and small entrepreneurs within the Interreg VI-A Programme IPA Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021 – 2027 which improves the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the border area.

What can be funded within the EmBRACE project?

Financial support will be approved for the development and adaptation of business models, products, services and processes, encouraging the development of local micro and small enterprises, with a strong emphasis on the introduction of product or process innovations, the development of pilot actions and new business solutions, while at the same time improving their cross-border business cooperation.

Up to 85% of the total value of the project can be co-financed with European funds. The highest amount of European funds available for one Small Project is EUR 200,000.00. Each Small Project Proposal should consist of at least two (2), and at most four (4) project partners, i.e. At the same time, one of the partners must be based in the territory of the European Union. The cooperation of partners from all three (3) member countries of the program area will be scored with an additional 5 points.

The estimated duration of the 1st Call is from June 18 to September 17, 2024.

All needed information and documents of the 1st Call can be found HERE!!

Detailed information about the EmBRACE project is also available at the HAMAG-BICRO official website.

For additional information, interested entrepreneurs can contact HAMAG-BICRO employees via e-mail:

 You can submit your application HERE.


The EmBRACE project and all the details about the 1st Call will be presented on opening conference and 1st Call workshops.

The schedule is the following:

  1. Opening conference and 1st Call Workshop – 03. July 2024 (wednesday) – SPLIT, HR – AC Hotel By Marriott, Domovinskog Rata 61a, Split,
  2. 1st Call Workshop – 04. July 2024 (thursday) – MOSTAR, BiH – Hotel Mepas , Kneza Višeslava b.b. 88000 Mostar, BiH
  3. 1st Call Workshop – 10. July 2024 (wednesday) – TUZLA, BiH – Kantonalna privredna komora Tuzla, 75000 Tuzla, Trg slobode b.b.
  4. 1st Call Workshop – 11. July 2024 (thursday) – SLAVONSKI BROD, HR – Poduzetnički inkubator INNOBROD, Ulica Bjeliš 23, 35000 Slavonski Brod
  5. 1st Call Workshop – 16. July 2024 (tuesday) – PODGORICA, ME – Hotel Ramada, 74 Bulevar Save Kovačevića, Podgorica 81000

For participation at the conference or workshops you can APPLY HERE.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and IPA III funds of the European Union.

Source: HAMAG-BICRO LAUNCHED 1ST CALL FOR EmBRACE PROPOSALS | European Interreg Cross-Border Cooperation (

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