EUREKA Western Balkans Call for Projects 2024

14 February - 15 May 2024

The national funding bodies from Albania, Austria, France, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye have allocated funding for organisations collaborating on international R&D projects through the EUREKA programme.

This is a bottom up call for projects with no thematic restrictions, but applicants are invited to check the section “funding conditions and rules per national funding body” for detailed information.

The call closes on 15 May 2024 at 18:00 CET.

Organisations can submit their Eureka R&D project application for this call for projects between 14 February and 15 May 2024.

The project consortium must include organisations based in a minimum of two of the economies listed and must include at least one partner from the participating Western Balkans economies (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia).

In addition to those partners, partners from other Eureka countries or countries outside of Eureka’s network can also participate, provided their public funding or self-funding is secured within the call for projects deadlines.

If required by your national funding body, project participants must also submit a national funding application, considering all relevant national procedures, deadlines and application rules. For more information about the respective funding rules, please refer to the EUREKA call page:

You can read or download the text of the EUREKA multilateral call below.

Recording and presentation of the webinar dedicated to the Eureka call is available

If you are interested in the open Western Balkans Call for Projects 2024 and would like to receive more information, you can watch the recording of the webinar which has focused specifically on the Call.

You will get directly to the recording by registering here:

For the slides presented during the webinar, please scroll down.

Funding details

Albania (NASRI- National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation)

Grant of up to 50,000 euro or up to 80% of eligible project costs for SMEs, universities and research organisations and up to 65% for large companies.

Montenegro (MESI – Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation)

Grant up to 150,000.00 euro per project for 36 months or 50,000 euro per year for both companies and research institutions as partners or project leaders.

Total budget for 36 months available to Montenegrin applicants amounts to 300,000.00 euro.

Serbia (NITRA – Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation)

Grant of maximum 50% of total project costs. Beneficiaries: universities/research organisations.

Participation of a Serbian company (of any size) in the project is a mandatory precondition for funding beneficiaries.



  • 14 February 2024: Call opens (12:00 Brussels time)
  • 15 May 2024: Deadline for Eureka application at 17:00 Brussels time (national rules)
  • End June 2024: Eligibility feedback to applicants
  • October 2024: National evaluation
  • October 2024: Consensus meeting of funding agencies
  • November 2024: Eureka label procedure and funding decision
  • End 2024 – beginning 2025: Expected project starts
  • Up to 36 months: Project duration


Eureka has limited eligibility criteria for organisations participating in a Network projects consortium:

  • Your project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
  • The project must be directed at researching or developing an innovative product, process or service with the goal of commercialisation.
  • The project must have a civilian purpose.
  • Your consortium must include at least two independent legal entities from a minimum of two Eureka countries.
  • No single organisation or country can be responsible for more than 70% of the project budget.

This call for projects has the additional criteria that:

  • Project duration is up to 36 months.
  • Your project consortium must include at least one partner from the participating Western Balkan countries.

Each participating national funding body may have additional eligibility criteria based on their national regulations. You are strongly advised, before submitting your application, to contact your national funding body to discuss your project idea and verify your and your project’s eligibility.

For detailed information on other national rules please see section “funding conditions and rules per national funding body”.

Thematic domains:

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