POLICY ANSWERS Call for Service Provider for Training Sessions in Green Transformation

19 March - 1 April 2024

This call requests the provision of the services to develop and facilitate a set of five training sessions including educational material that will help companies in the green transformation process.

Expected Deliverables
The expert/team of experts will provide:

  1. A draft agenda for the training workshops from which it will be clearly understood how the learning outcomes are addressed, delivered by 17 April 2024.
  2. The final agreed agenda together with accompanying materials that will be completed upon the input and approval of the contracting institution, by 19 April 2024.
  3. The delivery of five in-person workshops between 14 May 2024 and 14 October 2024.
  4. A presentation file (ppt) and accompanying materials which can be published on the project website www.westernbalkans-infohub.eu (ideally under the open creative common license CC-BY).
  5. The summary report which will describe the carried-out activities, critical observations gleaned from the workshops, and recommendations on how to proceed with capacity building activities related to the topic in English and Serbian.

Implementation period: The total duration of the engagement is 5 months, starting on 14 May 2024 and finishing on 14 October 2024.

Expected deadlines and tentative timeline, requested deliverables, outputs and reporting
Draft agenda of the Workshops: 17 April 2024
Final agreed agenda: 19 April 2024
Delivery of the workshops including digest summary as face-to-face video: 14 May 2024 -14 October 2024 in two series: the first series from 14 May – 30 June 2024 and the second series from 1 July – 14 October 2024
Accompanying presentation materials and digest summary of the key steps in GT (ppt): Within two days from the last workshop
Final report (2 to max. 4 pages long): 30 October 2024

Working language is Serbian.

For more details, please read the ToR document below.

Geographical focus:

Call type:

Thematic domains: