Public Call for Granting Support to Investments in Primary Plant Production for 2024 – Component IV – Vegetable Production

12 April - 10 June 2024

Published: 12.04.2024 • 14:49

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management (Montenegro) announces a public call for granting support to investments in primary plant production for 2024 – Component IV – Vegetable Production.

Eligible Applicants: The beneficiaries of this public call are agricultural holdings that must be registered in the Register of Agricultural Holdings with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management at the time of application for support approval, as well as in the registers managed by the Food Safety, Veterinary, and Phytosanitary Affairs Administration:

  • Register of Primary Food Producers of Plant Origin in accordance with the Food Safety Law or
  • Register of Seed Material Producers of Agricultural Plants in accordance with the Seed Material Law or
  • Register of Planting Material Producers in accordance with the Planting Material Law.

Requirements: Vegetable production must be based on an area of at least 0.5 ha in open fields following modern cultivation principles. If combining areas from two or more parcels, each must be at least 0.1 ha. Vegetable production must also be based on a minimum area of 0.05 ha in protected spaces (various crops on the same parcel can be combined to meet the minimum area criterion). The production of vegetable seedlings must be based on a minimum area of 0.03 ha in protected spaces.

Eligible Investments:

  • Purchase of structures, foil/plastic, irrigation, and misting systems, shading nets, agrotextiles, and agril.
  • Establishment of irrigation systems for vegetable production in open fields.
  • Purchase of certified seed/planting material of vegetable crops for spring-summer production.
  • Purchase of certified planting material (seedlings) of vegetable crops for autumn planting.
  • Purchase of structures for single-span greenhouses with foil/plastic of at least 200 µm (microns) thickness with a minimum area of 250 m².

Investment Amount:

  • Minimum investment: €500.00.
  • Maximum eligible investment: €10,000 with basic budget support up to 60% of the eligible investment, i.e., up to €6,000.
  • An additional 10% support, for a total of 70%, for agricultural producers registered in the Organic Production Register for the area for which support is requested, as of December 31, 2023.
  • Exceptionally, support is up to 30% of the eligible investment for seed purchase and up to 50% for seedling purchase from domestic production.
  • Additional 10% for female farm holders.

Application Details: The public call, along with the application form, can be downloaded from the Ministry’s website.

Application Period:

  • For the purchase of certified seed and/or planting material (seedlings) of vegetables for spring-summer production: from April 12, 2024, until the closure of the public call, no later than June 10, 2024.
  • For investments related to the purchase of certified seed and/or planting material (seedlings) of vegetables for autumn production: from June 1, 2024, until the closure of the public call, no later than October 10, 2024.
  • For investments related to the purchase of irrigation and misting systems: applications are submitted by June 10, 2024.
  • For investments requiring prior project approval: from April 12, 2024, until the closure of the public call, no later than June 10, 2024.

Contact Information: For more information regarding the public call, please contact the Directorate for Payments at 020/672-006.


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