Circular Economy Roadmap of Kosovo

The global surge in resource extraction and processing has reached unprecedented levels, resulting in significant greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. This necessitates a transition towards a circular economy to mitigate these impacts. Kosovo faces substantial environmental challenges, including pollution and biodiversity loss, exacerbated by climate change. However, Kosovo’s commitment to addressing these issues is evident in the signing of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.

The Kosovo Climate Change Council advocates for decarbonization beyond the energy sector, emphasising the potential for climate mitigation in other industries. The Circular Economy Roadmap launch marks Kosovo’s shift towards a sustainable economic model, aiming for resource efficiency, environmental health, and economic resilience.

With a vision for a green, healthy, and prosperous future, Kosovo seeks to leverage its natural and human resources for continuous sustainable development. The Circular Economy Roadmap identifies key transition areas, demonstrating Kosovo’s potential to drive transformative change.

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