Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro 2019-2024

By drafting the Smart Specialisation Strategy, Montenegro has joined the initiative of the european Union that focuses on the new model of economic development at the national or regional level based on targeted support to scientific research activities and innovations. The smart specialisation strategy (s3) is, therefore, a national or regional innovation strategy setting development priorities in order to build competitive advantage by developing and connecting own capacities in research and innovation with the needs of the economy, while responding coherently to growing opportunities and market development, which helps to avoid duplication and fragmentation of policies.

As a key element of economic development policy, smart specialisation increases the competitiveness of the economy by concentrating
and linking research and innovation resources to a limited number of determined priority economic areas. In addition, such strategiy should utilise the competitive advantages of a country or region to the maximum by encouraging innovation and thus contributing to the economic growth and overall progress of the society.

Source: Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro 2019-2024

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