The Identification of Smart Specialisation Priority Domains in Albania

The mapping exercise described in this technical report contributes to gather evidence based information as a basis to select and define the priority areas of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Albania. The commitment of Albania in the Smart Specialisation process started in 2016, under the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, and currently strongly supported by the Prime Minister Office. In November 2017, Albania registered in the JRC Smart Specialisation Platform and since then the country has been implementing a roadmap for the definition of a National Strategy for Smart Specialisation, with the assistance of the EC and according to the JRC methodological framework for Smart Specialisation in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries.

The quantitative analysis was started end-2020 and finalized in 2021, and was followed by the qualitative analysis that was closed end-2022. It stressed the relevance especially of the ICT sector: in fact, by combining both the economic and innovation potential under the current and emerging perspective, the following subsectors appear: – J60.1 Radio broadcasting; – J60.1 Television programming and broadcasting activities; – J61.1 Wired telecommunications activities (current and emerging economic potential and innovation potential); – J61.3 Satellite telecommunications activities (Current and emerging economic potential and innovation potential).

The qualitative analysis refined the results of the quantitative mapping leading to the identification of five preliminary priority domains for the Smart Specialisation Strategy: Agriculture Fisheries and Aquaculture; Manufacturing; Energy; Accommodation and support service activities; Information and Communication; Administrative and support service activities. Both quantitative and qualitative diagnostic stages dealt with relevant challenges related to data availability in the first case, and difficulties in reaching out with the stakeholders of the priority areas selected, for a number of reasons including mistrust, post-COVID effects and related constraints, as well as lack of information on Smart Specialisation. To stress the opportunities emerged in digital transition and ecological transition the analysis has also identified as potentially interesting: Blue economy; Healthy food; Renewable resources energy; Extended BPOs. Further exploration will be the goal of the next Entrepreneurial Discovery Process that is expected to be launched by the end of 2022.

Source: The identification of smart specialisation priority domains in Albania – Publications Office of the EU

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