The “ERA Forum” is organised as a Commission expert group to which stakeholders, Member States and other countries (including the Western Balkans as they are all associated to the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe) can send representatives. It is responsible for enhancing coordination towards the effective implementation of the Policy Agenda of the European Research Area (ERA). The group supports the European Commission and the Member States in the delivery of the ERA Actions.
The main tasks include co-designing, coordinating ERA Policy-related initiatives and their implementation, discussing alignment with other policies, supporting and analysing the monitoring and evaluation processes (e.g. ERA Scoreboard, ERA Policy Platform) and preparation of further candidate ERA Actions in variable geometry, and exchanging best practices on national ERA policies and measures.
Information about the membership of the ERA Forum and its meetings is available from the Register of Commission Expert Groups.
Links: posts:
- Guidelines for the Stakeholder Dialogue in the Process of Designing and Implementing Smart Specialisation Strategies in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region
- POLICY ANSWERS Webinar: Implementation of the European Research Area in the Western Balkans
- ERA 2024: Stakeholder Conference on the European Research Area
- Commission has launched the European Research Area (ERA) Platform