Footwear Fast Forward Cooperation –  Innovative agile training programme and training opportunities for the digital and green tween transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The project will focus on the development of digital and green skills, from the design to commercialization, in order to promote the peer green and digital transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina footwear sector, aligning with its counterparts in Europe. This initiative seeks to empower the footwear sector to embrace a new era and economy characterized by digitalization and low carbon emissions, in line with the objectives of the Fit to 55%, integrating a group of countries well directed pursuing these objectives.
The project is funded through the Erasmus+ programme and brings together eight partners from Portugal, Germany, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, among them the Faculty of Technology of the University of Banja Luka.
The project aims at:
- To build capacity of VET providers to strengthen cooperation between private and public stakeholders in the field of vocational education and training for demand-oriented and opportunity-driven VET interventions;
- To improve the quality and responsiveness of VET to economic and social developments to enhance the labour market relevance of skills provision;
- To align VET provision to local, regional and national development strategies.
The 36 months project will focus on the development of digital and green skills, from the design till commercialization, in order to promote the peer green and digital transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina footwear sector, allied with their pairs in Europe.
With a focus on:
- VET system in Western Balkans
- Curriculum design and development
- Training of trainers (multiplication)
- New skills and competences for teachers
- Management and governance of VET system
- Identification of skills needs