Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems (WBC-RRI.NET)

WBC-RRI.NET is a project funded by the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020 that aims to embed Responsible Research and Innovation in Western Balkan Countries. WBC-RRI.NET consists of 13 partners from 8 countries and addresses 4 region-level and 1 country-level ecosystems: Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia, Republic of Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the City of Skopje in North Macedonia, Kune-Vain-Tale Lagoon in Albania and the Country of Montenegro.

RRI in the Western Balkan Countries

WBC-RRI.NET fosters the application of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) at the territorial level in five Western Balkan Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystems and promotes a multi-level governance framework for steering R&I in the Western Balkans (WB). Although Western Balkan countries have improved in terms of R&I performance, research and innovation efforts should be further enhanced.

RRI approach

The procedural approach of RRI contains the following conditions, that are a priori inherent into RRI processes and therefore applicable to the development of (regional) R&I ecosystems: anticipation while contemplating on the possible or unintended results and applications of R&I in accordance to societal goals; inclusion when considering the perspective of individuals from all layers of an ecosystem; reflexion when considering the context-based circumstances and motivations of a given situation; responsiveness referring to how the actors involved react to the new state/knowledge resulting after the aforementioned reflections.

Local R&I Systems

RRI principles can enable the sustainable development of the local R&I systems, enhancing the effectiveness of R&I strategies contributing to the advancement of Western Balkan socio-economic progress in a transparent, open, and inclusive way through active participation of all quadruple helix actors.

WBC-RRI.NET partnership

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