Enhancing Knowledge and Skills at WB HEIs in preparation for Zero Carbon Maritime Transport and Logistics Society (Zero C)

1 November 2023 - 31 October 2026

New energy competence system and technology for WB energy stability system curriculum reform – Zero C

Duration: 36 months


The Zero C project aims to create the necessary conditions in higher education in Albania and Montenegro to provide the shipping industry or governmental institutions with competent and industry-oriented employees. These employees of the future can either solve challenges such as decarbonization, energy transition and logistics optimization in practice or implement IMO and EU policies in the shipping sector. The project therefore supports the capacities of maritime Higher Education Institutions in the West Balkan.

The project is being carried out jointly by the Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS) and partners from Albania, Montenegro, Greece, Italian higher education, and port sector.

The Paris Agreement’s goals are being addressed by the IMO and the EU, who have established policies to decrease GHG emissions in the shipping sector, including maritime transport, logistics and port operations. Over the coming years, these policy reforms will force ship owners and builders to find ways to improve their ship’s energy efficiency and install new or retrofit existing ship’s engines for supporting new marine fuels with lower carbon intensity, with the ultimate goal of achieving zero carbon emissions in the sector. The demand for enhanced energy efficiency and decarbonisation will drive optimization in logistics and port operations.

The Zero-C project aims to create the necessary prerequisites in Albania and Montenegro (WB) for providing competent, industry-oriented, human resources for shipping industry related to decarbonisation, energy efficiency and logistics optimization as well as for governmental institutions related to implementation of IMO and EU policies in the shipping sector. This will be provided through increased capacities of WB (Maritime) HEIs.

The project’s main activities include: project management, developing of shipping industry specific skills-oriented course catalogues and innovative teaching/training materials and methodology, providing state of the art equipment for supporting industry skills-oriented courses for students and LLL for professionals, know-how transfer to WB HEIs staff in specific topics, establishing a regional network of stakeholders in the shipping sector, and disseminating the project’s ideas and results. In addition, those activities tend to establish prerequisites for WB HEIs positive assessment by EMSA, in accordance with the UN STCW Convention for seafarers.

The Zero-C project will benefit at least 57 staff and 300 students from WB HEIs, as well as 60 professionals from WB shipping and port companies and governmental institutions. The project’s outputs will be delivered through 4 WPs and 15 deliverables.

The project consortium constits of:

Aleksandër Moisiu University Durres (UAMD), Albania (Coordinator)
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Maritime Logistics (MLS), Germany
Ismail Qemali University Vlora (UV), Albania
Durres Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI), Albania
General Maritime Directorate (GMD), Albania
University of Montenegro (UOM), Montenegro
Privredna komora Crne Gore (PKCG), Montenegro
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Montenegro
ITS Logistica Puglia (ITS), Italy
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

Contact person: Andreas Mohr, Hamburg University of Technology (andreas.mohr(at)tuhh(dot)de)

Geographical focus:

Contact person

Andreas Mohr, Hamburg University of Technology (andreas.mohr(at)tuhh(dot)de)

Source of information


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