Example from the “Synergien.NRW project”

The purpose of the “Synergien.NRW” project was to boost research and innovations in three selected innovation fields “Health”, “Food” and “Energy” by supporting the planning and implementation of North Rhine-Westphalia’s research and innovation policy. Strategies, methods and information products related to the use of synergy potential between the EU’s research and innovation programmes and the support measures in place in North Rhine-Westphalia have been developed, tested and disseminated to the corresponding target groups through an effective communication strategy.

While the main target group is in Germany, the project provides an example of a systemic look into the synergies between national (or in this case, sub-national) regional funding programmes and European ones, in particular the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe.

Infographic workpackages of Syerngien.NRW
Overview of the three work packages in the Synergien.NRW project. Source: https://www.synergien-nrw.de/en/The-Synergien-NRW-project-1879.html

Synergien.NRW was funded by North Rhine-Westphalia’s Operational Programme for Investment and Growth out of the European Regional Development Fund (OP ERDF NRW 2014-2020) and with funds from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and ended in 2023.

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