Marie Curie Alumni Association – Western Balkans chapter

The Western Balkans Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) has been created as a forum for interaction between MCAA members originating from, and/or currently based in, territories in the Western Balkans region where there is no existing MCAA Chapter.

The Western Balkans Chapter aims to connect and represent Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (MSCA) fellows and MCAA alumni from the Western Balkan region, with many residing abroad and being part of the so-called “scientific diaspora”.

The aims of the association are to

  • Advocate for best practices in science and research in the region and the adoption of policies and approaches that should help science in the Balkans reach wider European and global standards;
  • Encourage local networking and establish mutually-beneficial relationships between the MCAA and its alumni within a defined geographic zone; Initiate activities that add value to the Alumni network and input to the general body;
  • Recruit, attract, support and facilitate connections between MC fellows and alumni;
  • Sponsor and support activities that will enhance the image of MCAA.

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