POLICY ANSWERS supported a special panel session entitled ‘EU Initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future’ at the regional Economic Conference Montenegro 2022.
The Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro organized a regional Economic Conference 2022 during 26-28 October 2022, in Budva, Montenegro. This conference has a long tradition. Since 2010, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro has been organizing the Economic Conference, which is identified as one of the most important economic events in the WB Region in terms of topics discussed by high-level speakers as well as the opportunities to establish business connections as an added value.
The previous editions of the Conference were attended by 600-850 participants with high-level speakers such as presidents, prime ministers and ministers of the Western Balkans, presidents of chambers of commerce and others. Through a partnership with the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, the conference was included in the Final Declaration of the Heads of the Western Balkans Governments in 2014 in Berlin. This was the occasion when the Conference officially got the status as the most important economic event in the region, attracting attendance of companies from Germany, Austria and other EU countries.
The Economic Conference Montenegro 2021 was held within the topic ‘Economic resetting in the post-Covid 19 period’ as part of the closing program of the Montenegrin presidency over the Central European Initiative. This year the Economic Conference will bring back the focus on the economic perspective of the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU.
The title of the Economic Conference 2022 is ’Talks about Future’

POLICY ANSWERS supported a special panel session at the Economic Conference Montenegro 2022 entitled ‘EU Initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future’.
The aim of this panel was, among others, to promote European Partnerships, Missions and EIT opportunities for the Western Balkans. The Agenda of the event, including the structure of the Panel session, is attached below. The session was be held on the second day of the Conference, October 27th, from 16:00 to 17:30.
View the recording of the Panel Session in the second part of the 2nd conference day
The structure of the panel session supported by the POLICY ANSWERS:
Panel Session: EU Initiatives and synergies for a smart and green future
October 27, 16:00-17:30
Moderator : Dr. Srna Sudar, University of Montenegro
Circular Economy: Innovation for Green and Circular Economy
Speaker: Ladeja Godina Kosir, Founder and Executive Director of Circular Change, Slovenia
Green Agenda: Implementation of the Green Agenda in Serbia – how to use 14 MEUR EU funds
Speaker: Radovan Nikcevic, Project manager and Senior expert on Green Agenda – UNDP Serbia
Partnerships: Joining forces to drive urban transition for sustainable future
Speaker: Margit Noll, CEO, Driving Urban Transition Partnership – European Partnership
Missions: Transnational cooperation in the implementation of the EU Missions
Speaker: Andrea Hoeglinger, Head of European and International Programmes, Austrian Research Promotion Agency
EIT: EIT Cross KIC – Opportunities for the Western Balkans
Speaker: Ignacio Chanza Bango, Strategic Developer for Southern Europe – EIT Climate KIC