Promotion of Horizon Europe Project: „SOS4Democracy“ – Social Sciences for Democracy at UNSA

On the March 2024, as one of the project activities, the Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo and NGO „Zašto ne?“ organised the promotion of the Horizon Europe project „SOS4Democracy“: A Training Program for Improving Research on Illiberal Systems and Finding Ways to Build More Robust Democracies. The promotion aimed to familiarize the broader public with the project, primarily academic staff, students, and all those who expressed interest in the project’s topics. The promotion was open to the public and organised at the premises of the Faculty of Law.

Team leader Professor Damir Banović, Ph.D., informed the audience with general information about the project, its primary goals, and the importance of research on strengthening the illiberal practices and policies in the project’s partner economies. Professor Iza Razija Mešević, Ph.D., as project coordinator, spoke about the importance of international projects for the University of Sarajevo and the significance of the SOS4democracy project for this academic institution. Moreover, Professor Midhat Izmirlija, Ph.D., introduced the attendees to the various work packages of the SOS4democracy project. Teaching Assistant Almina Selimbašić shared information about the annual conferences and the project’s official webpage with the attendees.  

Non-governmental organisation partners, „Zašto ne?“ represented by Darko Brkan (team leader), Lamija Haračić (researcher), and Sanjin Mahmutović (researcher) expressed the importance of the SOS4democracy project for the civil society sector and shared information on the activities undertaken at the NGO “Zašto ne?”. Special attention was given to the platforms “Parlametar,” “Istinomjer,” and “Javna Rasprava“, which can have a significant impact on research on illiberal practices.


Find out more on the SOS4Democracy website.

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