“ORN – UNSA Open Research Network: Fostering R&D Infrastructure Development, Technology Transfer and Private Sector Collaboration” – a new strategic project by the University of Sarajevo: Aiming to strengthen the scientific research capacities of the University, and to promote development of the innovation ecosystem in Sarajevo Canton, the ORN project is the strategic step to improve research infrastructure of the University, strengthen the opportunities for open science efforts, and improve the quality, as well as quantity of the research output, not only at the University of Sarajevo, but on Canton Sarajevo.
The specific goals of the project are: (1) Establishment and coordination of the Open Research Network at the University, and access to open networks of researchers in the region, Europe and the world, (2) Establishment and coordination of a unique register of research infrastructure of the University of Sarajevo and Canton Sarajevo, as well as virtual laboratories and (3) Implementation of the quadruple spiral model in the Canton and the state, and strengthening cooperation between research institutions, the business sector, governmental and non-governmental institutions in Canton Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As the first step towards improvement of the research infrastructure at the University of Sarajevo, the Canton Sarajevo Government and the University of Sarajevo have signed the Agreement on Development of Research infrastructure and Equipment of the University of Sarajevo. The Agreement was signed in December 2023, and obliges the Canton Sarajevo Government to invest at least 1% of the University of Sarajevo annual budget to improve research infrastructure at the University during the next five years, whereas the University of Sarajevo is to create/adopt regulation on open science and open research infrastructure, create open catalogue of research infrastructure, and improve TT activities and opportunities, thus increasing the capacities of the scientific-research community.