The POLICY ANSWERS Conference aimed at stimulating a policy dialogue on aligning priorities in the Western Balkans across three thematic areas. In order to support this objective, dedicated bilateral meetings within the conference were organised to enable the European partnerships and representatives of the relevant ministries and funding organisations from the WB economies to briefly meet and exchange. This Conference was the first major event to bring the WB economies and European partnership together.
15 minutes long bilateral meetings were scheduled for each thematic area, which run separately and parallel to the World Café sessions. European Partnerships were appointed as „Table hosts”, whereas the representatives of the WB Ministries/Funding Agencies visited the tables according to their schedules in 15 minutes turns.
In total, 38 bilateral meetings took place within 1 hour 45 minutes. This “speed dating” structure was a first time experience for the representatives. In these short meetings, European Partnerships focused on understanding the needs and interests of the Ministry representatives and presented the structure of their partnership, priority R&I topics for joint calls and various collaboration opportunities beyond joint calls.
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Shaping the Western Balkans Digital Future
- Table 1: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Anne Trumpfheller, Head of Communication of EURAMET, European Partnership on Metrology, Germany
- Table 2: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Tuan Trinh, Regional Director East, European Partnership EIT-DIGITAL, Hungary
GREEN TRANSFORMATION – Green Deal: A Transformative Opportunity for the Western Balkans Economy
- Table 1: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Margherita Cappelletto, Coordinator, European Partnership: Climate Neutral, Sustainable and Productive Blue Economy (SBEP), Italy
- Table 2: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Ariane Blum, CEO, European Partnership: Water4all – Water Security for Planet, France
- Table 3: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Orsolya Küttel, Programme Manager, European Partnership: Driving Urban Transitions, Austria
HEALTHY SOCIETIES: Building a Healthy Society: Addressing Challenges in the Western Balkans
- Table 1: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Laura Martin, Coordinator, European Partnership: One Health Antimicrobial Resistance, (OHAMR), Sweden
- Table 2: Stakeholder Meetings with European Partnership
- Adam Strzelecki, EIT-Food Senior Project Manager, European Partnership: EIT-Food, Poland