Capacity Building in Kosovo*

Summary of skills development and capacity building activities carried out in Kosovo by POLICY ANSWERS.

In the following, we would like to give you an insight into the work POLICY ANSWERS has done in Kosovo to further develop various skills in the economy.

Following the planning of all tasks, the process encompassed several phases such as

  • drafting a comprehensive concept note,
  • conducting analyses of pertinent policy and strategic documents related to Research and Innovation, Green Transition, Digital Transformation, and Healthy Societies,
  • establishing connections with essential stakeholders,
  • conducting 12 semi-structured interviews, and
  • organising a workshop attended by 25 stakeholders.

This collective effort aimed at pinpointing needs and prioritising actions for integration into the WPCBK framework. Through these activities, approximately 20 areas requiring interventions were identified, which were subsequently consolidated into nine priority actions for the task.

Training of researchers for preparation of applications and implementing projects in Horizon Europe: 50 researchers in two cohorts

A training programme for application to Horizon Europe was developed and implemented in two cohorts, each with 25 participants, in February 2023 and April 2023.

On 8 June 2023, the RIINVEST Institute showcased 10 project ideas developed by participants from the two cohorts who attended training on writing and implementing project proposals in Horizon Europe. This event perfectly exemplified the achievement of the capacity-building goals in narrowing the gap and improving Kosovo’s performance in Horizon Europe and other programmes. The presented ideas covered various priority areas such as Research & Innovation, Digitalisation, and Healthy Society. The National Coordinator for Horizon Europe in Kosovo expressed her deep appreciation and highlighted the potential impact of the POLICY ANSWERS project, which is already increasing Kosovo’s presence in Horizon Europe and contributing to evidence-based policies for a sustainable economy and EU integration.

Technical Assistance for the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation & the National Research Council through providing input for the New National Research Programme and increasing funding sources for R&I

Three documents were produced: 1) Research Report on the “State of Play” of the R&I Environment in Kosovo; 2) Policy Paper on Increasing Financing and Advancing Policies focused on enhancing funding mechanisms and improving the policies and procedures for administering public funds; 3) dedicated input to the draft of NRP 2023-2028 developed by NRC and published on April 2023.

This was followed by a stakeholder meeting on 18 April 2023 to bring together key players in the R&I ecosystem, including researchers, innovators, government officials, and industry experts to present and discuss its inputs to the NRP. RIINVEST suggests intensive advocacy efforts in the next two years to implement recommendations and findings presented in the produced documents.

Support of increasing cooperation between the private sector and institutions in the field of research and innovation

RIINVEST organised a roundtable discussion and debate with stakeholders and experts on 12 April 2023 discussing the draft of the Industrial Strategy of Kosovo 2023-2030. The event provided input and comments on the Industrial Policy for the Ministry and the Government. Depending on matching funds, this action is planned to be further continued in 2024.

Organisation of workshop and provision of methodology guidelines for project identification and preparation in light of the EU Economic and Investment Plan for the WB

During 2023, existing initiatives were mapped. A workshop concept was prepared, contacts established, discussions implemented with the IPA National Coordinator and workshop attendants were identified. Full implementation of these activities are expected in the next phase of the project.

Creation of a Coordination Forum of Quadruple Helix to create synergy amongst key actors

RIINVEST has contributed insights, expertise, and recommendations to ensure that the S3 aligns with regional digital goals and innovation priorities. RIINVEST has also prepared a concept note for establishing the Strategic Advisory Council for Kosovo’s S3 in line with the Joint Research Centre methodology. The institute proposed for the Council to adopt a Quadruple Helix format composed of representatives from various stakeholders and has sent the Concept Note to the Office for Strategic Planning which is part of the Office of Prime Minister and in charge of S3 in Kosovo.

In addition, cooperation with the relevant government bodies and agencies has been established. In fact, RIINVEST became a member of the team designing the S3 and participated in a Working Group for outlining the S3. Thus, activities regarding this action will be continued during 2024 and 2025.

Technical Assistance on the Implementation of the WB Green Agenda

POLICY ANSWERS had been monitoring the activities of drafting policy documents and organisation of individual meetings with Ministries and other relevant agencies. Moreover, it provided technical assistance and feedback for the Energy Strategy 2022-2031 and the Draft Law on Law on the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources. The feedback was incorporated into the final version of the strategy and law, respectively.

On 5-7 May 2023, a two-day workshop with around 30 representatives from four related Ministries, experts and researchers, civil society as well as media was held with the objective of defining the state of play and challenges ahead for the implementation of commitments related to the Green Agenda for the WB.

Empowered by a specific programme component of the RIINVEST Institute, the Green Action Space a series of four “Green Talks” were organised. These events were debates of qualified panels with 25-30 participants each, see for example this event review. This was followed by publishing of four policy briefs regarding topics in a focus of the debate (The Future of Gas in Kosovo: 7 December 2022, Water Resources in Kosovo: 26 January 2023, Strategy of Energy 2022-2031: 4 December 2022, and Decarbonisation and implications of Carbon Tax in Kosovo: 7 June 2023).

In the upcoming period this action will continue with monitoring, advocacy and debates with the participation of stakeholders. In-house technical assistance is further depending on requests by institutions.

Monitoring the implementation of Digital Agenda

Cooperation with the relevant government bodies and agencies has been established. RIINVEST became a member of the team designing the S3 and contributed insights, expertise, and recommendations to ensure the S3 aligns with regional digital goals and innovation priorities.

Technical Assistance for Ministry of Health

A working group to cooperate with the Ministry of Health was established and Terms of Reference were published to engage an expert to produce a Policy Brief on the digitalisation of the health sector in Kosovo. Furthermore, the RIINVEST project team is preparing a short policy paper on the financing problems in this sector. These documents are being debated during November and December 2023 with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders.

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