Support to Horizon Europe Project Proposal Preparation – Workshop within POLICY ANSWERS project activities
University of Sarajevo organised a workshop Support to Horizon Europe Project Proposal Preparation held on 15 and 16 December 2022 at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies “Prof. Dr. Zdravko Grebo”.
The workshop is a part of the Horizon Europe project POLICY ANSWERS – Support for R&I Policy Making, Implementation and Support in the Western Balkan which aims to strengthen the capacities of relevant institutions and other stakeholders in the field of research and development, in accordance with identified needs, strategic documents, and above all with the key priorities in the Agenda for the Western Balkan countries.
The participants were 30 representatives of the University of Sarajevo member institutions who had the opportunity to learn about useful information on possibilities to take part in the Horizon Europe and the COST program, including practical advice and recommendations on project proposal preparation. Future plans and activities related to the project management system at the University of Sarajevo were also presented. The lecturers were Mr. Dalibor Drljača, PhD, expert in HE/COST/MSCA projects, and the representatives of the UNSA Centre for Research and Development.
The University of Sarajevo is one of the 13 POLICY ANSWERS project partners implementing project activities mainly with support of Research Office and the Centre for Research and Development.
Please find more information at: Održana radionica u okviru Policy Answers projekta | University of Sarajevo (