Congratulations to the GreenFORCE Project to its Results so far

Another important Horizon Europe project for the Western Balkans which the WB Info Hub team would like to compliment for its achievements is GreenFORCE (fyi: a WIDERA twinning project). It highlights the role of research networking and education in driving the just green transition in the Western Balkans and beyond and recently launched another newsletter informing about its key activities before the project comes to an end in 2025.

Through the many activities in and outside of the region, the project is highly visible in the discussion to achieve the net-zero vision (e.g. through the Tirana Architecture week 2024 or at the European Week of Regions and Cities). As a lot of activities are needed to advance, implement and measure the achievements of the Western Balkans Green Agenda, the project is an important force behind the discussions.

The project also supports capacity building through teaching exchanges and study visits. We can also recommend the Policy Brief focusing on the governance pathways for just energy transition (based on the case of North Macedonia).

The project consortium and partners from Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, as well as Italy, Sweden, under the coordination of Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development in Albania, can be truly proud of these achievements and the WB Info Hub wishes all the best for the activities in 2025, such as a winter school and its final event for which additional details will be provided soon.

For more information about the project, please refer to its website:

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