First Auction for the 100 MW Solar Energy Park in Kosovo

Through the Energy Strategy 2022-2031, Kosovo has prioritized the development of solar and wind resources, with the construction of a 100 MW photovoltaic solar power plant among the many priorities outlined in the Energy Strategy, and this auction is an opportunity to invest in a bright energy future.

Prime Minister Kurti expressed gratitude to USAID and their team in Kosovo for their invaluable contribution to the development of our energy sector and for their strong support towards energy transition. “The path we have embarked on is that of independence from fossil fuels of autocratic states that benefit from Europe’s energy dependence. The increasing threats of climate change make energy transition even more urgent,” said Prime Minister Kurti.

He stated that we are making this journey with our friend, reliable partner, and powerful ally, the United States of America, who have already proven themselves both in terms of our comprehensive development and the building of our democracy.

She further stated that this result comes thanks to a sustainable cooperation of the Government of Kosovo with one of our key development partners, USAID, whose contribution is truly irreplaceable for our energy sector. Samantha Power highlighted that Kosovo has a bright future in the energy sector, as it has the energy of the future and will no longer have power outages, nor will there be major concerns for entrepreneurs and technology companies due to energy shortages.

Power said she has seen a commitment from the country’s leaders to make the energy transition, and expressed confidence that this auction will serve as a model for other countries to work on similar journeys, just as Kosovo has begun by setting clear, ambitious, yet achievable goals.


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