Info Session on the Western Balkans Agenda planned in North Macedonia

As part of the series of regional capacity building efforts within the POLICY ANSWERS project, the stakeholders of North Macedonia are planning a variety of activities to be held in the first half of 2023.

The Capacity Building and Implementation in North Macedonia consists of three broad actions: Analysis of Design and Implementation (1) which includes trainings on policy design, WB agenda implementation, coordination & collaboration, and formulation of specific indicators per thematic field. North Macedonia will also work on strengthening organizational management (2) and skills on fundraising for public institutions (3).

Module (1) is planned to be implemented in first half of 2023 and consists of four activities:

  1. An Info session on the Western Balkans Agenda (presentation of the WB Agenda and its rationale. Synergies between WB Agenda, green economy and digitalization).
  2. A Training on: Policy design and coordination
  3. A Training on: Formulating RDI, education and culture specific indicators. Establishing monitoring, evaluation and learning processes. Green indicators and budgeting.
  4. And a Study Visit to learn more about EU institutional practices

A workshop on the WB Agenda is planned to be held in Skopje on February 17, 2023. Participation in this workshop is by invitation only.


Geographical focus:

Thematic domains:

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