Interview with WBC-RRI.NET representative of Vojvodina Region, Serbia

As the WBC-RRI.NET project is approaching its end, POLICY ANSWERS asked project partners what the main activities of their region were, what impacts these had and how they have contributed to the development of the region. They also shared their thoughts with us on how the overall impact and contribution of the RRI activities to the WB region could be further enhanced. Here are the answers of WBC-RRI.NET´s representative of Vojvodina Region, Serbia.

Name: Goran Stojanović
Institution: University of Novi Sad
Region: Vojvodina, Serbia

How do the activities conducted in your region contribute to the development of the Western Balkans?

Through this project we created the list of Open repositories in Wester Balkans as well as open science policies. We brought new Horizon Europe project(s) at UNS, which will contribute to further development of R&I in the Western Balkans. We promoted RRI principles in the region as well as successful women as a best case examples.

If possible, outline those main activities that have been performed in your region with the most significant impact.

Improving the UNS open repository to become a best practice in Open Science describing how UNS has strategically fortified its existing repository, in pursuit of the crucial SMART goal to enhance technical capacities for Open Access and Open Science.

Creating joint project proposals and applications with quadruple helix actors / incorporating RRI keys emphasizes the importance of establishing a robust framework for the sustainable incorporation of RRI principles in the Vojvodina region, providing the sustainability of the project team involved in the WBC-RRI.NET project.

Promoting successful women in the region influencing the recognition and contributions of women in academia and research at the Vojvodina region. Women researchers from UNS participated in podcasts and radio shows, and received awards for their outstanding scientific contributions.

Based on your experience within the project, could you please mention some approaches that might enhance the overall impact and contribution of the RRI activities to the WB region?

The overall impact and contribution of the RRI activities to the WB region can be enhanced through:

  • Combination of concrete research activities for benefits of citizens along with the theoretical or more policy-oriented activities performed within WBC-RRI.NET project
  • More inter-territorial and inter-disciplinary collaboration and co-design activities among the countries/regions involved in the WBC-RRI.NET project

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