Mobility-Driven Research and Innovation in Western Balkans

The Centre for Science and Innovation for Development (SCiDEV) has announced a Follow-Up Project on Mobility-Driven R&I. The Enhancing Mobility-Driven Research and Innovation in Western Balkans project, led by SCiDEV and supported by the Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans, aims to foster economic growth and alignment with the European Union through mobility-driven research and innovation (R&I) in the Western Balkans (WB6).

Building on the 2023 Mobility thematic working group’s success within the Civil Society and Think Tank Forum, the project advocates for increased investment and opportunities for mobility-based R&I. It aligns with the EU’s New Growth Plan for the region and proposes specific actions, such as creating a Western Balkans Research Fund and using EU and IPA funds to support R&I initiatives.

Key activities include:

  • Public events and advocacy campaigns to promote mobility-driven R&I.
  • Developing policy briefs on WB6 participation in Horizon Europe and Framework Programme 10.
  • Engaging with stakeholders to enhance the region’s integration into the European Research Area.

The project has an open call for stakeholder engagement that can be found here.


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