POLICY ANSWERS invites stakeholders from the Western Balkans to share their ideas on FP10

POLICY ANSWERS is currently working on a Policy Brief related to the development of the upcoming EU Framework Programme 10. This document will be based on input from WB stakeholders and we warmly invite you to share your ideas in this consultation process.

You can share your input via our survey at https://survey3.zsi.at/index.php/933771 or by sending an email to dall@zsi.at with your opinions.

About Framework Programme 10

The next Framework Programme for Research is currently referred to as “FP10”, as proxy for name yet to be determined. While “FP10” is still years away, the current interim evaluation of Horizon Europe provides the background for starting reflections on how European research, technology and innovation policies could or should be shaped beyond 2027. In May 2023, the European Commission launched a call for a High Level Group on the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe and expects the group to deliver recommendations for future STI policies in 2024. Member States have started their deliberations on “FP10” under the roof of ERAC, jointly with the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission. In general, 2023 marks the time of collecting fresh, or maybe even radical, ideas regarding “FP10”. Official negotiations on the next Framework Programme will only begin in mid-2025, on the basis of a proposal from the then newly composed European Commission. “FP10” will start in 2028, and is expected to have a duration of seven years, until 2034. (Source: ERA Portal Austria)

On the ERA Portal Austria, you can find further explanations on how the framework programme is being prepared.

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