POLICY ANSWERS team members Slavica Tutnjevic and Dragan Dragomirovic from the Faculty of Philosophy University of Banja Luka (UNIBL) held a working meeting with the deputy minister of science and technology Miodrag Peranovic and his team. This was an opportunity to inform potential stakeholders about the POLICY ANSWERS project and to discuss main topics of mutual interest that could be included in project activities.
The emphasis of the project activities will be on supporting the processes of creating scientific research policies and strategies in the form of trainings, meetings, consultations, and related activities.
At this initial stage in the POLICY ANSWERS project, searching for priorities in capacity building in the field of scientific research and technology management is one of the most important goals.
A meeting with the respective representatives of the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society was held on 11th April at the Republic of Srpska Government (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

For more information, see https://ff.unibl.org/sve-novosti/novost/762/filozofski-fakultet-i-mnrvoid-o-buducoj-saradnji-na-projektu-policy-answers